

Per month

Up to 1 domain or IP address

Monthly reports

AI powered automatic penetration testing

24 hours scan frequency

SSL monitoring

GDPR check

Alert via Email



Per Month

Up to 3 domain or IP address

Weekly reports

AI powered automatic penetration testing

6 hours scan frequency

SSL monitoring

GDPR check

Brand Reputation Monitoring



Per Month

Up to 3 domain or IP address

Daily reports

AI powered automatic penetration testing

1 hour scan frequency

Manual penetration testing

GDPR check

Brand Reputation Monitoring

How it works

Find weaknesses in your most exposed systems and satisfy compliance needs. Choose the right cyber security solution.

Add your assets

Our solution will scan your website 24/7 and generate security and compliance reports to identify cyber threats.

Download the security report

Lhe penetration report and test will be performed in accordance with the OWASP penetration guidelines.

Security Remediation

The vulnerability remediation process is a workflow that fixes or neutralizes detected weaknesses.